Saturday, 23 November 2013

Donated to Goodfellows again today...

First of all, this isn't a pat myself on the back posting to tell all my readers what a great guy I am, and get a bunch of replies telling me so...well not entirely anyways, and remember, flattery will get you everywhere...But I did want to take a few minutes to tell you about something that happened to me this morning...Like many people I know, I always make sure I give to Goodfellows as soon as I see one of their representatives, usually wearing nice warm "I'm ready to go fight a fire" apparel...I hand them whatever loose change I have, loonies, twoonies...hopefully totalling around $5 so I can feel like I really gave this year.  Then I put the Goodfellows newspaper on the dash to proudly display that Yes, I, Jeff Wilder, did my part this year to help those less fortunate than myself.  Or this is what I tell myself.  Truth be told, I display the newspaper for the same reason most people do.  To avoid having to give again.  Now don't feel bad if you do that too...I mean at least you gave once right?  Some people don't give at all...and we know who you are by the glaring absence of the newspaper on your dash.  Yes the newspaper...oh how proud I am to display it...just to show others how decent a human being I here I am, this morning sitting at Tim Hortons, in the drive through, my paper visible upside down in the reflection of the wind shield, when I spotted the following headline...

"Without Local Charity, There Could Be No Christmas"

How sad I thought to myself.  No Christmas?  Are people in that dire straits that Christmas might be canceled?  That is when it hit me, and I am a little ashamed to admit it.  I have been so caught up lately in my own trials and tribulations that I forgot just how bad of shape the city of Windsor is in.  Numbers for October came in at 9%, the 2nd highest unemployment rate in the country.  And with the recent announcement of Heinz closing next year, the jobless rate in Essex County and Windsor will go even higher...No Christmas?  Well its great to see an organization such as Goodfellows, and all of these amazing volunteers, doing what they do for the city of Windsor and Essex County.

They say charity begins at home, and even though there are a great many less fortunate that need our help overseas, the Philippines for example, we should not forget our neighbors, friends and other members of our very own community.  So what do you ask did I do about it?  Well I did two things.  First I removed the newspaper from my smug dashboard, so that I may be greeted by more Goodfellows Volunteers...then a few minutes later, I found one..."pssst...they're everywhere!"...and gave him some actual paper money...and then when he offered me a paper in return, I declined, saying I already have one...His reply "Well you should put it in on your dash so we stop bothering you!"  You aren't bothering me my friend...and thank you for what you are doing for the city!!

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