Happy New Year everyone, I hope that 2014 brings you everything you dream of and desire...I also hope you continue to read and enjoy my blog...It brings me joy knowing that you accompany me on my journey of continuous improvement and growth, and as long as I see the views continue to rise (up over 1000 now) I will keep writing.
One of the resolutions I made a few years ago, which I am proud to say I continue to follow to this day, is to be aware of the company I keep. If you've read my blog in the past, you will recognize the term Debbie Downer, and you know that I believe that surrounding yourself with positive people in your life will bring positive results...this is why for the most part, I now limit the exposure I have to people in my life that drag me down...the result has been wonderful, not only due to the absence of drama in my life, but it also created a void, which seemingly filled automatically with the type of people that I want to attract...so in essence, as cut throat as it sounds, I traded up...and it happened without a whole lot of effort. The law of attraction states that like attracts like...therefore negative energy attracts negative energy and positive energy attracts positive energy. Simply by limiting my exposure to negative energy, I have seen first hand, the influx of more positivity in my life.
This brings me to a story...During the holidays, I was sitting in the car with my daughter Jordan, when I asked her what her plans were for New Years Eve...the past few years there has been a circle of friends that would gather during special occasions, and I wondered if maybe she would be joining them...she explained to me that she really didn't like hanging out with them anymore. I asked her why, and her response was that a couple of them were starting to be mean to people, and she didn't like it. I asked if they were mean to her, and she said no, just that they were being mean to others and she didn't like hanging out with them anymore. Now I knew this wasn't easy for her, as it kinda meant walking away from the popular crowd, so I asked if she was ok..."Yeah Dad," she replied, "Their loss."
I sat back later that night, thinking about what had happened...For those with daughters reading this blog, I am sure you know just how tough it can be socially as they approach their pre-teen and teenage years. Clicks are formed, friendships are strained and the pressure of growing up is so severe that many of her friends, at the tender age of 12 have turned to self destructive behavior such as cutting themselves and in one case, attempted suicide. So to hear that my little girl is eliminating the negative people in her life, at the age of 12, makes me prouder than I can put into words.
The next day, I wanted to tell her this...it isn't always easy getting the attention of a 12 year old girl...so I try and pick my spots...I figured I needed about 10 minutes...
"Jo...do you have a minute?"
"Yea Dad, just let me update my Instagram account." she replied.
"What Instagram account?", I asked.
"Oh you should follow me Dad...My profile name is INSPIRING_QUOTES54321...I try to inspire others."
Yea, I thought as I smiled...she's gonna be just fine!!
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