If you don’t know where you are going, how are you going to
get there? Imagine having this desire to
achieve something great. You just know
you are meant to do so. You can just see
the wonderful life that lies ahead of you.
Maybe you wish to own a beautiful home, or drive that new sports car you
have always envisioned. So you visualize
it, you dream about it and you wait for it to happen to you. Yet you have been visualizing and dreaming
for awhile now, and it has yet to happen.
Why is that? How can we turn our
dreams into reality? How can we truly
achieve our GOALS?
Goal setting is a crucial part of realizing our dreams, yet
something so many of us fail to do. In
the next few minutes of reading, I am going to explain to you the SMART System
for setting goals, and then I am going to give you the secret to turning a
great plan into reality. If you follow
this system and the secret to success, your dreams will come true.
SPECIFIC Goals must be very
clear and specific. There is no room for
vagueness or ambiguities. Describe it
in detail so you know exactly where you are going.
MEASURABLE You must be able to know
without a doubt how you are doing in attaining your goal. Being rich is not measurable. Earning $10,000 per month is.
ATTAINABLE Don’t set goals you
cannot reach. Setting yourself up to
fail will lead to all the negative emotions that come with it. Make sure your goals are realistic.
RELEVANT Goals that are
specific, measureable and attainable but not relevant to where you want to go
in your life are useless. Make sure all
of your goals are in line with the success you wish to achieve.
TIME-BOUND All of your goals must have
time limits and should fall into the category of short term or long term goals
with matching time boundaries.
OK so now that you understand the criteria to setting goals,
it’s time to put into place a plan to achieve them. First start by asking yourself the question,
“Where do I want to be in a year?” Make
sure this is in relation to your goal.
For example is the goal is about losing weight, make sure your answer to
that question is related to your weight loss.
This will give you a long term goal.
Next, ask yourself, what you need to do this month that will contribute to your reaching that long term
goal. This will be your month long
goal. For example, if your 1 year goal
is to lose 60 lbs, then you know you must lose 5 lbs each month to get there. Finally, ask yourself what you need to do
this week to achieve your monthly goal.
To lose 5 lbs each month, you will need to lose 1-2 lbs per week. At this time, make sure your goal fits the
SMART criteria. If 1-2 lbs per week is
not ATTAINABLE, then you will need to re-examine the monthly goals and inevitably
your one year long term goal.
So you now have a long term SMART goal, along with the short
term goals to get you there. Are we
done? Nope. It is now time to break your weekly goals
into ACTION STEPS that will get you there.
These ACTION STEPS are things you will do every day that will help you
achieve your weekly goals. So sticking
with weight loss, an action step for today might be “Eat at home, no
restaurants.” or “Do 30 minutes of physical activity.” or “No alcohol.” These daily action steps will be the steps
needed to attain your goals, and easily manageable day by day. No matter what your goal, make sure that your
daily action steps get you to where you are going. Also, assign a points system to your daily
action steps. Each action step is worth
1 point. Achieving the step, give
yourself a point. Failing to achieve it,
deduct a point. Work towards getting 25
points per week. This is approx 4 points
per day. 4 daily action steps each day
towards your goal, will, with no doubt, see you achieving your goals each week
and month and subsequently, you will achieve your long term goal.
Lastly, I said at the beginning of this blog post, that I
will also give you a secret which will guarantee your success. This system of SMART goal setting, along with
daily action steps as described above works, there is no doubt in that. However it only works if you hold yourself
accountable to the system, and if you are like some people, accountability is
often where the train gets derailed.
Therefore, the secret is to find someone in your life that WILL hold you
accountable. For me, this is a
coach. Like some people have personal
trainers, I have a coach that is not only holding me accountable but also
assisting me in the setting of my goals.
I currently have 4 long term goals that I am working towards. I also have monthly and weekly goals which if
followed will guarantee my success in my long term goals. And of course my daily actions steps keep me
on track each day, with my coach holding me accountable. Now to fail, I would have to lie to myself
and my coach, neither of which I intend on doing. Will there be difficult days? Sure of course there will. And for those days I will have my coach to
help me get through. Your coach need not
be a professional like mine, but you will need someone to hold you
accountable. Sometimes your best bet is
someone close to you with like minded goals.
Sometimes it is someone not too close to you, who will push you when you
need it. Whoever that is, if you truly
want to succeed, this system, combined with accountability from a coach or a
friend, is your pathway to success.