Friday, 10 May 2013

Don't be a Debbie Downer

One of the keys to success in business and in life lies in who and what type of energy you chose to surround yourself with.  Energy is magnetic, in that the bigger the energy, the more it attracts the energy of those around it.  Not only does it attract the energy, it can actually alter the energy or the mood around it, to be more in line with its own.  Let me explain.

Like many generation x'ers I grew on a popular television variety show called Saturday Night Live.  Yes maybe I fell a little too hard for Rosana Rosana Dana and perhaps I lose the younger crowd when I make the occassional conehead joke during my training, but SNL had a way of making us laugh like few others (sorry Mad TV).  Imagine then the joy I experienced on May 1st, 2004, when I found myself LMAO to a new character on SNL played by Rachel Dratch, called Debbie Downer.  Debbie Downer had a way of taking ANY experience, no matter how fun and amazing, and turning it into a moment so depressing, that everyone in the room had to cringe.  In short, Debbie Downer became a term I now use for anyone who literally "sucks the fun" out of life.  For those interested in seeing what I mean, follow this link...but be prepared to pee your pants.

OK so hopefully you just spent 6 minutes laughing and smiling, and you are now pretty sure of what I mean when I call someone a Debbie Downer.  Who among us doesn't know at least one Debbie Downer in their lives.  You sit down to chat with them, and within seconds, they are telling you about how the IRS is auditing them, or their ex wife is once again suing for more child support, which they would be happy to pay if the price of gas was not so high (OK maybe even I am a little guilty of that last one myself).  The point is Debbie Downers are fun suckers.  It is difficult at the very least, to truly enjoy your day when there is a Debbie Downer in the room.

What if, instead of surrounding ourselves with Debbie Downers, we chose instead to avoid them?  We didn't answer their calls, we weren't available when they had social events and we stood chuckling silently on the other side of our door when they came knocking.  What if we then took it a step further, and chose to surround ourselves with the exact opposite personality type to the Debbie Downer (I don't have a catchy name for this person but I am open to suggestions)  Do you know anyone, who no matter how you are feeling, just being around them brings a smile to your face?  If you do, why not chose to spend more time with that person? (And yes my schedule is always open to brighten your day) If you don't know anyone like this, well then get out there and find one as quickly as you can.  Find a friend that makes you laugh and smile, and watch how this lifts you up and brightens your day.

Lastly, ask yourself what type of energy footprint do YOU wish to leave in your wake every day?  We all have the ability to be a Debbie Downer, no matter how positive we may think we are.  Who doesn't have bad days?  Conversely, we all also have the ability to put a smile on someone's face if we chose to do so.  So the next time you are standing in line at the bank, or cashing out at the supermarket,  smile and tell the people you interact with to have a great day.  Compliment them on their service or their outfit or their smile.  Chose to leave people just a little bit happier than they were when you met them.  If we all did this, would the world not be a better place to live?  I think it would!

1 comment:

  1. Great blog post. I know many "Debbie Downers" and have made great effort at keeping them at distance. Life is much happier and fun when I'm not being brought down by them and participating in their pity parties. I'd rather be a "Superstar" then a "Debbie Downer"! :)
